Chapter 19 - The Hai Family's Preparations (Seeking Collections, Seeking Reading)_1

The reason the neighborhood chose Mr. Thompson was straightforward: he had responded earliest to the neighborhood call, and considering Mr. Thompson's age, he was not like the young fellows who could offer physical strength, so he was assigned to lead some young people to work. Of course, Mr. Thompson's sociable nature had a significant impact too.

Now, Mr. Thompson had accepted Dong Tianyu's guess that night as fact, so he had started making preparations for the future.

Responding early to the neighborhood's call was aimed at getting familiar with the neighborhood personnel. Even if they couldn't gain any real benefits, when it came to entering the Refuge Center, getting the whole family into the same shelter would be an effortless task, as long as it didn't violate any principle.

Apart from Mr. Thompson, the other person who noticed the anomaly was Dong Tianyu's uncle, who was a senior leader at Pengcheng Heavy Industries. He definitely had a sharp judgment towards anything.

"Bobsy, the other night you told me that you got a wartime supply pack and six vacuum-packed cold protection sleeping bags from Zachary, right? What exactly did Zachary say to you?"

Hearing his father's question, Dong Tianyu's cousin remembered the words his cousin had said to him that night.

"He didn't say much, just said that he was afraid of having to isolate at home during the years when the virus raged, so he had prepared these things in advance, just in case. He said that the best thing would be if we didn't need to use them and they just gathered dust at home."

Seeing his son's nonchalant attitude, his father's tone became very stern: "You've been having it too easy. Won't you even think about it? Why would he give you a sleeping bag, and that too a cold-resistant one, for isolation at home?"

Bobsy was not stupid. After hearing his father's words, he immediately realized, "Are you saying that Zachary knew in advance that this would happen?"

His father nodded, "Do you remember what your uncle said when he invited us for dinner last month? They probably already knew about it then."

Hearing his father's words, Bobsy quickly became angry, "Why didn't they tell us clearly in advance? My mom and hers are sisters, and our two families get along really well."

Seeing Bobsy so angry, his father felt a little disappointed in his son, "Your uncle probably wasn't sure about this at the time, so he could only subtly hint at it to us. After all, this is not a small matter. If someone were to let slip, Zachary might get into trouble."

"Zachary probably knew about this first and don't blame Zachary. After your uncle hinted at us and found we didn't care, didn't he prepare things for us with his own money?

When you put the things in the basement that day, I took a look. I don't know the price of the backpack, but I checked the brand of the sleeping bag. It's said that the brand is used to climb Mount Everest, and it's not cheap.

And Zachary sent us six of them according to the number of people in our family. The price of the backpack must not be low."

It seems that my retirement age is high. If it had been a few years ago, I could have definitely figured out what your uncle meant when he said those words."

After speaking, his father paused for a moment, seeing that his son wanted to speak, he waved his hand to quiet him. After a long silence, he sighed.

"It's the age. I'm not as quick as I used to be. You and Ava should go back and pack your stuff, put the warm clothes and shoes in your suitcases."

"Do it as soon as you get back. One suitcase for essential items, another suitcase for secondary ones. Leave your cosmetic products and pack warm clothes. Don't pack any fancy items."

Hearing his father's words, Bobsy was a bit puzzled about his father's arrangements and asked his father uncertainly, "Dad? Does it need to be so urgent and troublesome?"

Hearing Bobsy still questioning at this point, his father was slightly frustrated. Having done so much for him over the years, his life had been too easy. But since this is his own son, he had to break down his thoughts and feed it into his mouth:

"Didn't you tell me what was in the backpack? It's the emergency supplies for facing natural disasters. This is telling us that something is going to happen. And he has given us sleeping bags, and they're the kind used for climbing Mount Everest in cold weather. Don't you understand what it implies?"

Seeing that his son still seemed puzzled, his father continued to explain, "Now it's June, and the weather is so hot. But your cousin gives you a heavy-duty sleeping bag for cold weather.

Doesn't this tell you that you may not be able to stay at home and you may need to sleep somewhere else? And that place should be very cold, otherwise wouldn't ordinary ones do for us?"

Upon hearing his father's analysis, Bobsy still argued, "Why do we have to stay elsewhere? Can't we live at home? Even if the temperature drops, the insulation of our house is definitely better than others."

Seeing that his son still looked dissatisfied after hearing his explanation, his father knew he had to explain the situation in detail today. The father and son had to be on the same page at this time.

"Why are you still holding illusions? The malfunction of electronic devices this time is definitely not a local problem in Pengcheng. Otherwise, by now, according to the usual habits of the Officials, aid from other cities would have arrived within a day.

But look at how long has it passed - not only is there no aid from other cities, but the neighborhood is also recruiting young people to clear the cars in the Ren Defense Parking Lot.

If there was nothing wrong, would the neighborhood need to do such thankless work?

And you're young. You don't understand the significance of the Ren Defense Area. If there is no major disaster, the Officials would not take over the Ren Defense Area.

Think about it. In order to find people to work, the cafeteria has started to raise prices to force people. Do you think that nothing big is happening and our summer Officials would do such a thing?

They're just not saying it now because they don't want you to know, so it's easier to manage and prevent any disturbances."

Upon hearing his father's words, Bobsy began to connect the recent events. He wasn't stupid in the first place, but he had been living a comfortable life. Now, he was awakened by his father's words.

"Dad, I understand. I'll go back and pack things with my wife right now. Bobsy and Ava will stay here for a few days."

Hearing his son say this, his father immediately understood his son's thoughts, "I'll take care of my grandsons. You and your wife should discuss and find friends to get two bicycles and bring your in-laws over to stay for a few days. But..."

Bobsy understood what his father meant, "I understand. I'll only bring my father-in-law and mother-in-law. I'll explain it clearly to my wife."

"Good to know. At this moment, we can only care for our own. When you go, first walk through your two elder relatives' homes and get them prepared in advance.

If they can come over, then have them come. But, they probably won't. After all, they have families to take care of, and the two families live close to each other. If there's any problem, they can discuss and handle it."

"Alright!" After Bobsy sent his two sons home, he immediately told his wife about his father's arrangements. His wife was very happy to hear that her parents would be brought over, because at this time, only when the family stayed together could they really feel at ease.

Although the young couple lived separately now, the father still managed all the big and small matters of the family. The young couple was also used to following their father's arrangements, and when packing clothes, strictly followed the father's plan.