Chapter 127 Mr. Thompson's Thoughts_1

After a bit of consideration, Mr. Thompson hesitated for a while before tentatively asking Dong Tianyu, "Do you know when the disaster will specifically appear?"

"The temperature is already starting to rise, which indicates that the disaster is upon us.

Dad, think about last time when the weather got colder. Didn't it start out just like now, with minimal changes in the outside temperature? Back then, it was just getting colder every day, not warmer. In the beginning, everyone didn't pay attention either, but in the end, we really couldn't withstand it outside, and ended up having to move into the Refuge Center."

Hearing what Dong Tianyu said, Mr. Thompson instantly understood his son's thoughts: the sooner we react to such matters, the better.

With this in mind, Mr. Thompson no longer hesitated. Immediately, he and Dong Tianyu headed upstairs to find Smith.