Chapter 137: Abnormality in the Air_1

It seemed that using simply the Art of Controlling Objects did not accomplish Dong Tianyu's imagined idea of sword flight.

As soon as Dong Tianyu's feet left the wooden sword, the sword instantly lifted off the ground, made a circle in the air, and then implanted itself directly onto the hard mountain face.

However, this seemingly cool action came at the cost of damaging the wooden sword.

While it appears undamaged on the outside, it is because the sword is currently protected by Spirit Power, and thus did not suffer any damage when it was plugged into the mountain.

But once Dong Tianyu released his control over the sword, as soon as the Spirit Power withdraws from the sword, it would just be a wooden sword. Although there may not be any damages immediately, if someone or something were to touch the sword, it would likely crumble quickly due to the fragility of its material.