Chapter 149: Looking for a House_1

Originally, most members of the Lying Flat group joined passively, and these people had been trained like oxen to work without complaint during working hours. Although they occasionally found various ways to slack off, they never resisted nor did they aspire to higher positions.

But in the past two years, many people have actively joined the Lying Flat group. Although they also lost the idea of changing jobs after joining, they are more adept at shirking work than slacking off.

Slacking off means to drag out completing the task assigned to them, while shirking involves disappearing when tasks are being handed out, not taking any task at all unless it is forcibly assigned to them. They would never voluntarily apply for a task.

Although the number of people joining the Lying Flat group is increasing, the other two factions didn't care. Even though there are many members in the Lying Flat group, it lacks leadership and is as disorganized as a bunch of sand.