Chapter 218 New Field Renewable Resources Recycling Ltd. (2)_1

"But why do you say there'd be a lot of metal there? It's true that metal is often found in garbage dumps, but usually only in small amounts.

Any moderately sized pieces of metal would be picked out before even making it to the dump. Most people indeed choose to sell their metal scrap to collectors directly, instead of throwing it away. How much metal can there really be at that recycling station?"

Hearing Ye Liuyun's skepticism, Robinson William pointed to a highlighted name on the map again: New Field Renewable Resources Recycling Ltd.

"I may not understand what you're saying, but you see the name here; they aren't just a basic garbage dump anymore, they're a renewable resource recycling company.

Simply put, all the items from neighborhood scavengers, once sorted and broken down, are sold to New Field. Any kind of material, be it metal or waste paper, can only be sold to New Field since it's the only recycling station in Pengcheng.