Chapter 222: Trickery_1

After dismantling the items collected from the recycling station, plus the dismantled items from Pengville Port, the upgrade progress of the Cave Mansion was now seventy percent.

With the experience from his last endeavor, Dong Tianyu knew that reaching a hundred percent would be difficult; the final twenty percent could not be achieved by simply dismantling ordinary items, it required items imbued with Spirit Energy in order to progress.

Although the Blue Star was slowly regaining Spirit Energy, it was extremely challenging to collect special items due to the disasters. Hence, survival points had to be used as a substitute for these items.

Survival points were relatively scarce but as Dong Tianyu seldom used them, over time, he had saved up a significant amount.

In reality, all Dong Tianyu needed to do was to dismantle around ten percent more ordinary materials, and he could upgrade the Cave Mansion again.