Chapter 249: Procurement of Arms (Extra Addition)_2

Wasn't this like "Speak of the devil"? Just now, he was thinking about how his cave mansion shared the same name as Peach Blossom Paradise, and suddenly, he ran into Mace.

"CEO Thompson, I was hesitant before, not sure if I was mistaken or seeing things. But, then I was sure it was you only when I got closer. What a surprise to meet you here!"

"Hmm, we're running out of salt at home. Came here to buy some."

Although Mace noticed the staff herding calves onto the truck, he didn't question Dong Tianyu's words. After all, the majority of people who came here were to buy salt, and it was normal to buy other things incidentally.

Seeing that Dong Tianyu had finished trading, Mace revealed an expression of wanting to say something but hesitating.

From the expression on the other party's face, Dong Tianyu guessed his thought: "Whatever you want to say, just say it. We are both in Pengcheng, trading would be very convenient."