Chapter 299: Yielding Wealth but Not the Way_2

Watching Dong Tianyu's figure gradually walking away, Madeline's expression calmed down. Although what Dong Tianyu said was quite straightforward and didn't take her dignity into account at all.

But Madeline was no fool and knew why Dong Tianyu would say such things.

After seeing Dong Tianyu leave, Madeline felt some conflict within her, but in the end, she made up her mind about something.

On the way back, Dong Tianyu passed the now lush Nameless Mountain. However, since the cave he once lived in had collapsed, there was nothing on the mountain that Dong Tianyu felt nostalgic about.

When Dong Tianyu saw the numerous overturned vehicles between the tall and sturdy trees ahead, he knew he had reached the area near the Moon Bay Survivor Camp.

Dong Tianyu remembered that when they left, they had handed over the management of this place to the Patrol Office, and now it should be under the administration of the Patrol Office.