Chapter 304 Changes in the Camp_2

When Dong Tianyu approached the city wall, the soldier inside the watchtower had already spotted him. However, upon confirming that Dong Tianyu was human, they merely glanced at him occasionally, without any significant vigilance.

But Dong Tianyu frowned in confusion after seeing the face of the soldier on watch in the watchtower. Although he wasn't particularly familiar with the members of the special ops team led by Robinson William,

it was because every time Dong Tianyu returned to the camp, he would subconsciously use Divine Sense to scan the area. Moreover, at this time, there was hardly any transient population within the camp.

So over this period, although Dong Tianyu did not know every individual's name in the camp, he had memorized the faces of all the people there.

It was precisely the appearance of that unfamiliar face on the watchtower that gave Dong Tianyu a slight feeling of unease.