Chapter 14: Whipping

However, her outburst brought out the pent-up anger that Yang Chuxia had been suppressing for days.

Without saying another word, Yang Chuxia took off her shoe and rushed to the stove, not giving Ms. Liu a chance to react. She slapped Ms.Liu's face twice with the sole of her shoe.

Afterward, she put her shoe back on, and casually wiped the hand that had held the shoe on Ms. Liu's body. Then she said slowly, "If you ever spout crap like that again, I'll truly beat you to death. Why don't you go pick up firewood if we're out? Are you dead? You and your husband are both so fat, and yet you have the nerve to call others pigs that only know how to eat. Do you feel guilty for saying that?"

Ms. Liu was stunned by the shoe slaps and didn't react for a moment. Hearing Yang Chuxia's words, she suddenly felt her cheeks burning in pain. She burst into tears and ran to the courtyard, crying out for her parents and husband.

"I can't take it anymore, I can't live like this! A younger generation dares to hit me, how can I go on living?" Ms. Liu's screams were loud, and the entire Yang family inside the house came out one after the other.

Yang Da'an was the first to see Ms. Liu's swollen cheeks. He gasped and subconsciously touched his own face, as if he was the one who had been hit.

"Can't you ever stop making a fuss? Don't you find it annoying?" Old Lady Hua also came out. Seeing her daughter-in-law's swollen cheeks and then glancing at Yang Chuxia standing near the kitchen door, she knew that Ms. Liu must have been slapped for being loose-lipped.

This little wretch sure hits hard.

"My god, I've been beaten by that little wretch Yang Chuxia, and you don't even ask about the severity of my injuries, but instead scold me? Oh, heavens, my husband, I can't go on like this."

"If you can't live like this, then get lost! Can't our Old Yang Family find another daughter-in-law?" Old Lady Hua was usually very kind to her daughters-in-law, except for Ms. Wang. But that was based on their obedience. Now seeing Ms. Liu crying and making a fuss, and even talking back to her, Old Lady Hua was displeased.

This eldest daughter-in-law was becoming more and more disrespectful. She really thought Old Lady Hua didn't dare to scold that wretch, huh? It was bad enough to always feel suffocated, and now this gossipy woman had to add fuel to the fire, nearly driving Old Lady Hua mad.

"Mother, don't you see that it was Yang Chuxia, that wretched girl, who hit me?" Ms. Liu sounded somewhat incredulous. What had gotten into her mother-in-law these days? Why was she suddenly so lenient with the Third family? Wasn't this going against her usual self?

Seeing Ms. Liu still yammering, Old Lady Hua rolled her eyes and bellowed, "My eyes aren't blind, and my ears aren't deaf!"

"Mother, even if Xiaxia was in the wrong, a young girl like her shouldn't hit her elders." Yang Da'an couldn't stand watching his wife being wronged while his mother didn't side with them, so he spoke up.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, Old Lady Hua picked up a fallen branch from the ground and started to furiously swat Ms. Liu with it. It seemed as if all the resentment towards Yang Chuxia was unleashed on Ms. Liu's body.

"Help, help! Father, mother, husband..."

Old Lady Hua's strength was great, and she chased Ms. Liu all over the yard while hitting her.

Seeing this, Yang Chuxia smirked and thought, beat her, beat her harder, it's not like she'll really get hurt with her thick skin.

Unable to bear it any longer, Ms. Wang rushed forward to intervene, but was pulled back into the kitchen by Yang Chuxia.