Chapter 49: Sending Fish to the Land Officer

"Hmm, then we can eat fish for lunch."

"Yeah, let's have our mom make fish soup for lunch." Yang Chuxia nodded. Catching fish is pretty quick, so they'd definitely be back before lunchtime. "By the way, little brother, do you know which beach is closest to us?"

"The closest one?" Yang Qingrui thought for a while and suddenly exclaimed, "Sis, I got it! Actually, all the beaches are quite far from us, but the closest one is a small beach to the west. It takes about half of one hour to get there from the village."

"Is that so? Then let me ask you another question. Can we find small crabs and small shrimps there when the tide is high?"

"Yes, definitely!"

"Great!" Yang Chuxia snapped her fingers happily and said, "Little brother, let's go to the small beach early tomorrow morning to collect little crabs."

"Huh? Sis, why do we need those things? They're too small to eat!"