Chapter 64: Wasting Resources

Ignoring the mother and daughter, she continued to wash the crabs in her hands with a rhythmic motion.

She worked quickly, and by the time she had finished washing the crabs, Ms. Liu hadn't even finished washing the cucumbers. Seeing this, she took over the pot again, angering Ms. Liu so much that she looked like she was about to choke.

The lunch was still cooked by Ms. Wang and her together. Steamed crabs, cleaned shrimp, and the chives given by an elder when she had returned from Land Officer Yang's house were used to make a plate of stir-fried chives with shrimp. They also cooked a vegetable soup and served it with corn pancakes.

At least it was much better than what they had eaten when they were living with the Yang family. Not only could they fill their stomachs, but they could also enjoy seafood, delighting both Yang Qingtong and Yang Xiayun who clapped their hands in joy.