Chapter 80: The Silver from Selling Fish

Now Yang Dachuan felt awkward, he really hadn't expected this.

Ms. Wang walked in with meals, seeing the two boys, she grouched, "Your father is working so hard, but instead of letting him rest first, you're asking for candy? Are you asking for trouble?"

Yang Qingrui touched his nose and said with a wry smile, "Mom, I was just joking with dad. He only thinks about my sister."

"You little brat, you're challenging me for favoritism now?" Yang Chuxia wanted to pinch his face when she saw his cunning smile.

Just then, a few shouts came from the main gate of the Yang Family, "Is Third Uncle Yang home?"

Upon hearing the voice, Yang Chuxia knew it was Ye Zi'an returning from town.

Yang Dachuan, who was also familiar with the voice, hurriedly got up to greet him, "Brother An, what brings you here?"

"Dad, let Brother An come in for a chat." Yang Chuxia followed behind Yang Dachuan.