Chapter 89 Waiting to See Your Son and Grandson Go to Jail

Then she picked up a bamboo stick from one side and began to rain blows on him. Yang Xiaochuan avoided her hits, while Ms.Luo tried to pull her away. But she was so furious that she didn't care who gets in her way, anyone blocking her was a target. After some time, she realized that the hands of Ms. Liu and Ms. Luo were covered in red marks.

"I always said this rotten girl deserved to be killed, with no respect for elders in her heart." Yang Xiaochuan, who had been kicked and beaten, spoke up in frustrated anger.

"Shut your mouth!" Snapped Land Officer Yang upon hearing this. "As an elder, constantly threatening to beat and kill the younger ones, and you still think they should respect you? Get out of my sight. Say one more word, and I'll let Xiaxia beat you up."

At these words, Yang Xiaochuan clamped his mouth shut. Though resentful, he was fearful of losing face to a true beating, so he warily retreated to one side.