Chapter 103: Ms. Liu makes a fool of herself, Xiaxia counts silver coins

After uttering those words, Old Lady Hua pushed Yang Lichun aside. By this time, Yang Dayong and the others were carrying Ye Zi'an into the yard.

Yang Lichun turned her head and touched her cheek. She suddenly saw Ye Zi'an lying on the wooden board, his face a bit pale but still quite handsome. Yang Lichun's heart gave a leap, and she unexpectedly blushed.

However, Yang Chuxia didn't notice this. She has arranged for Ye Zi'an to be carried into the room of Yang Qingrui, which was also shared by her. The room was divided into two parts by a cloth, one side for Yang Chuxia and Yang Xiayun, the other for the Yang Qingrui brothers, while Yang Dachuan and his wife have moved to an outside room.

In fact, it was Yang Chuxia's demand after her arrival to divide it this way. Previously, they all squeezed into one room.