Chapter 135: Selling Pearls at Mu's Clinic

Cuijing Pavilion was out of the question, so Yang Chuxia thought for a while and went to Mu's Clinic owned by the Mu Family with Yang Dachuan.

Indeed, Mu's Clinic did not disgrace its name. From the shopkeeper to the young apprentices who dispensed the medicine, everyone was courteous from beginning to end, which made Yang Chuxia's anger subside considerably.

"Young lady, I heard you want to sell some pearls?" The amiable shopkeeper of Mu's Clinic smiled and said, "Are you sure you're not at the wrong place? Pearls should naturally be sold at jewelry shops."

"Shopkeeper, I am certainly not at the wrong place." With the shopkeeper being amiable, Yang Chuxia naturally stopped being prickly and smiled and said, "Shopkeeper, these pearls can not only be used for ornaments. I've heard that many doctors use them in medicine. Even some ladies and young masters from wealthy families like to drink pearl powder for their complexion. That's why I came here to ask."