Chapter 146: To Be Neighbors with Brother An

Seeing that Yang Chuxia didn't seem to be lying, Land Officer Yang was a bit doubtful about where Yang Chuxia's family got the money to build a house, but he decided not to ask since it was a private matter. In any case, he was happy that his nephew was really going to build a house and didn't think too much about the rest.

So he began to seriously consider which piece of land in the village would be the most suitable. After much thought, he still believed that the vacant land at the village entrance was the best option. It had a large area and was conveniently close to the village.

"Xiaxia, what do you think about the land at the village entrance?" Due to various past events, Land Officer Yang felt that his grandniece was quite reliable and should not be treated like an ordinary child. So after he came up with a location, he directly asked her about it.