Chapter 155: Old Yang is Surrounded by a Group

Yang Chuxia didn't say anything, walked up to Ms. Ye, and kicked her, shouting, "Are you out of your mind? Your son wanted to chop me, and your husband wanted to kill me. Now you have the nerve to ask my mother for money, to help the murderer of her daughter?"

After kicking Ms. Ye, she walked up to Ms. Liu, who had already snapped out of her jealousy, cursing herself for not remembering not to provoke Ms. Wang. However, Yang Chuxia still kicked her, causing Ms. Liu to cry out in pain.

Old Lady Hua, who was in the room, instantly felt her scalp tighten upon hearing the sound.

Then, Yang Chuxia scolded, "I've said it before, haven't I? Can't you remember if I don't beat you every day? Didn't I tell you not to mess with my mother? Or have you gotten so bold you dare to question my mother?"

After kicking Ms. Liu, she turned to look at Ms. Luo, who shrank her neck in fear. Seeing her like this, Yang Chuxia didn't kick her but didn't soften her words either.