Chapter 157: Spitting out a Few Deserving Beating Words

"No crying!" Yang Chuxia gripped his collar and shouted again, and Yang Qingbao sobbed inconsolably.

Ms. Liu felt a deep pang in her heart watching this. "Yang Chuxia, what are you doing? Let go of Qingbao immediately. If you scare him, I won't let you off the hook."

Ms. Liu was even more protective of her child than Ms. Ye and Ms. Luo. Despite being fearful of Yang Chuxia, she always rushed to her child's defense. Now, she drew out her clubs again.

Seeing her draw out her club, Ms. Wang became even more defiant, she took out the kitchen knife and threateningly brandished it at Ms. Liu.

Just then, between sobs, Yang Qingbao squeakily said, "I only, only heard my uncle mention lots of silver and something about grandpa, I don't know anything else."

Upon hearing those words, Yang Chuxia heaved a sigh of relief. She had thought this kid couldn't have heard everything that clearly.