Chapter 204: Yang Lichun and Her Daughter Leave

"Hmph, a bunch of poor losers, thought I wanted to be related to you." Yang Lichun grabbed her mother, ready to return to their room to pack their things.

"Hold on!" Yang Chuxia stepped in, "Since you claim to have no connection with our old Yang family, you can't take any item from this courtyard."

Seeing this, Yang Lichun snorted again, "Fine, we won't take anything. Mom, let's go!"

"Chun'er, we can't. How would we survive if we left?" Ms.Ye was completely confused by Yang Lichun's reaction. She had never thought about leaving the Yang family.

Furthermore, with the family head in prison, how would she and her daughter survive outside the Yang family? She was still dreaming of freeloading in the Yang family without having to support their livelihood.