Chapter 218 Who Told you to Call Him a Cripple

And why doesn't that rotten kid know to keep his distance!

"What are you guys talking about?" Yang Chuxia was smiling as she asked, but Ye Zi'an felt a bit gloomy. He glanced at Yang Chuxia and found that her smile did not reach her eyes. He wondered what was wrong with her.

"Cousin, I heard from Brother An about your family affairs. You're capable!" Wang Yunlian, her second cousin, quickly approached her as she came out.

Yang Chuxia thought, what is this rotten kid doing, telling them about this?

God knows these old hags are ageless. When they thought of Zi'an and Yang Chuxia coming out of the house together and locking the door when they first arrived, they could not help but ask more questions.

Ye Zi'an naturally didn't want Yang Chuxia to be misunderstood and felt compelled to explain, the more he explained, the more he revealed.

"Cousin, is the drunken crab you make really that tasty?" Wang Yunxia, the eldest cousin, asked curiously.