Chapter 238: Treating the Person Who Helped to a Meal

Although the Hua Family came looking for trouble, they didn't cause any serious injuries. It was just superficial wounds that could be treated with some medicinal ointment.

Seeing that there was no major problem on the Yang Family side, the people brought by Yang Dayong said their farewells and left.

Yang Chuxia felt grateful for so many people coming to support them, even though they didn't help much.

She shouted, "Thank you all, uncles and brothers, for coming to help today. To express our gratitude, we from the third branch of the family are inviting everyone to dinner tonight!"

"No need, Xiaxia. What's the fuss? We're from the same village, and helping each other is what we should do." The young man who had been stared down by Yang Dayong earlier spoke up first.