Chapter 258: The Old Man Who Bought A Shop and Lost His Daughter

"Here it comes, here it comes!" A rough voice came from behind, Yang Chuxia looked back and saw an old man of an older age.

"Old man, I see outside that the shop is for sale. Is that true?"

The old man sighed, "Of course it's true! As long as you can pay the full amount in one go, I'll sell you the shop."

Yang Chuxia observed that the old man seemed to have encountered some difficulties, but that was their private matter, so she didn't ask too many questions.

"Old man, how much money do you want for this shop?"

The old man reluctantly glanced at the shop, "One hundred and sixty taels, including this front and back yard, I'll sell it all to you."

One hundred and sixty taels does not seem to be particularly expensive, and it's considered a reasonable price in Wangquan Town. The difficulty lies in the fact that most people can't afford to pay this much money all at once.

If it were the old Yang Chuxia, she would not have been able to afford it either, but now it's not a problem.