Chapter 301: Sending the Dowry First

"What did you say?" Yang Chuxia instantly narrowed her eyes.

Seeing that Yang Chuxia's expression was slightly dangerous, Ye Zi'an quickly sobered up and hurriedly said, "I said, Xiaxia looks the best in my eyes."

He was still afraid that Yang Chuxia wouldn't believe him, so he nodded vigorously, "Really, really, Xiaxia looks the best! The best in my eyes!"

Seeing his sudden change in demeanor, Yang Chuxia couldn't help but burst into laughter. Seeing her laugh, Ye Zi'an heaved a sigh of relief.

"Alright, let's be serious. You got this house back, right? Can I borrow it from you for now?" she continued. "When spring comes next year, I'll build some new houses near my home, and then they can move to the new houses. What do you think?"

"What's not okay about that? Use it however you want. I won't be living there anyway. You don't need to build new houses. Just let them live there. Otherwise, the house will be empty and useless."