Chapter 308: Your Mother Doesn't Want You Anymore

As soon as the group left, Yang Chuxia jumped out of her chair and asked Brother An, "How was it? Wasn't I very imposing just now? Very handsome?"

"Handsome?" Ye Zi'an didn't quite understand this unfamiliar word.

"Like did I have a very cool and domineering feeling?"

"You're always very domineering!" Ye Zi'an gave her a thumbs up and laughed.

"Hehe, I think so too!" Yang Chuxia laughed by herself.

Ms.Wang scolded her, "You little devil, you almost scared the life out of people with the way you spoke just now. What were you even saying, were you trying to take their lives?"

"It wasn't that scary. I was just laying down the rules for them." Yang Chuxia turned to old Yang, who was still smoking his pipe looking unhappy, and asked, "Grandpa, what do you think of how I spoke just now?"

"Huh?" Old Yang glanced at her and said, "Good, well spoken. Although we are a farmer's family, we still need to have the proper rules. What's the saying? 'Without rules, there's no harmony.'"