Chapter 330: Not Inviting the Fourth Branch of the Family

Qian Xiaoqing first spotted Ye Zi'an in the evening, her eyes lighting up instantly. She took every opportunity she could to chat with him. Unfortunately, each time, Yang Chuxia managed to steer the conversation away, leaving Xiaoqing fuming, her face clouded with anger.

Yang Chuxia, upon seeing this, would taunt her discreetly when no one was looking, causing Xiaoqing to stomp her foot in frustration.

She wanted to lose her temper or do something about it, but her aunt had already warned her, seriously last time, that if she caused any more trouble, she would be sent home.

She did not want to go home at all. She would have to do so many chores back home, while staying at her aunt's house was so much more comfortable.

So there she was, Xiaoqing, boiling with rage, but not daring to do anything. She could only swallow her anger and wait until the next day to return home with Wang Yongshan and the others.