Chapter 333: Playing with Food to Tease the Fourth Branch Couple

Ye Zi'an felt embarrassed, realizing that out of everything he said, she only remembered the most crucial part.

As they chatted, they quickened their pace and unwittingly arrived at the entrance of the old house.

Yang Chuxia glanced at Ye Zi'an, "Do you think they'll be very surprised to see me?"

"Why don't you knock on the door and find out?"

Yang Chuxia thought, like a mischievous fox, and scoffed at the idea of knocking. She preferred kicking the door, so with that thought, her foot stretched out and kicked once, twice, three times...

While kicking, she also shouted, "Whoever is inside, get the hell out here! Hurry up; if you don't come out, I'm going to smash the door!"

Seeing this, Ye Zi'an felt a headache coming on and silently mourned for the couple from the fourth branch of the family, knowing they wouldn't be able to eat in peace after this commotion.