Chapter 351: Intoxicating Flower

In less than a quarter of an hour, Uncle Cai also came over with a bamboo basket on his back, and soon after, Yang Chuxia and Uncle Cai entered the mountain together.

"What kind of medicinal herbs do you want to find?" Uncle Cai asked on the way.

"Chinese aconite, Arisaema, and dahurian angelica."

Upon hearing this, Uncle Cai looked at her in surprise, "Xiaxia, do you know medicine too?"

"Uncle Cai, I can't say I know medicine, just some herbal knowledge and I can dress simple wounds," Yang Chuxia replied honestly. As a former special agent, she inevitably suffered injuries, so treating and dressing herself was no problem.

However, she knew more about Western medicine than traditional Chinese medicine, from reading a few medical books. Treating illnesses and measuring the pulse was impossible for her since modern society relies more on Western medicine.