Chapter 370: Let Brother An Resign

Seeing this, Yang Qingrui and his siblings, along with Yang Xiayun, couldn't contain their curiosity, all climbing around and hopping on the horse carriage.

"Yes, it is ours, of course," Yang Chuxia knocked Yang Qingtong's head and said, "You guys, why are you so curious about everything our family buys? It was the same when we bought the ox cart last time."

Yang Qingrui looked at the horses in front of him, and his eyes flashed with the desire to try riding them. Then he said, "Sis, you should know that this is the only carriage in our village; hardly anyone in the village has ever ridden in one. How can we not be curious?"

"Exactly, Sis, our holiday starts tomorrow and lasts until after the New Year, and we won't have classes. Can you take us to the town in the carriage for a stroll, please?"

"I want to go too, I want to go too," Yang Xiayun also raised her little hand and said.

"You all really want to go?"