Chapter 375: Were You Just Thinking About Me

"Mother, we're heading out!"

"I know, go early and come back early, don't be too late tonight as it is Small New Year." Ms.Wang stood at the door and said to Yang Chuxia and Ye Zi'an.

"We know!"

Now that the New Year's gifts were sent, there was not much to do at home. Yang Chuxia thought about how she hadn't found two kinds of medicinal herbs other than drunk heart flowers, so she decided to go to the hot springs again and search thoroughly throughout the vast area. She felt that she would not be satisfied unless she searched two or three times.

So last night, she told Ms.Wang and Yang Dachuan that she was going into the mountains today, and Ye Zi'an naturally wanted to go with her when he heard this.

Today, Yang Chuxia and Ye Zi'an got up early, shouldered their baskets, and prepared to go out.

This time, they didn't ask Uncle Cai to follow them, because it was Small New Year, and it was not appropriate to trouble others during this time.