Chapter 396: The Bride-price is the Sea Water

"I'm telling you, the engagement proposal I, Uncle Cai, offer is unmatchable." Uncle Cai is the only doctor in the village, and the villagers usually go to him when they are sick. Therefore, his status in the village is basically equal to that of Land Officer Yang's.

It's because everybody might experience headaches and fever, so even Land Officer Yang has to show some respect when meeting Uncle Cai.

So when Auntie Li saw Uncle Cai speaking up, she shrank back a little, but still said, "Uncle Cai, of course the engagement proposal will be chosen from the best. And besides, it's not up to you to decide. The engagement of Xiaxia is up to Dachuan and his wife."

At this moment, Ms. Wang and Yang Dachuan were also stunned by this sudden move from Auntie Li, wondering where all this nonsense was coming from. However, as they listened further to the conversation, they had a bad feeling.