Chapter 399: Brother An's Father Also Helped Auntie Li's Family

They didn't even want the meat and fish in the baskets they brought.

But those who helped carry the betrothal gifts, oh no, those who carried seawater, didn't want to stop. Seeing her running away, they quickly followed and shouted, "Hey, why are you running? You still haven't paid us brothers yet!"

It turned out that only a few of these people were from the village, and the rest were hired from the town.

Everyone was speechless watching this scene, shaking their heads. Auntie Li, who seemed like a decent person, how could she do such a thing?

"Ah, who knows what people are thinking, doing such things." Land Officer Yang shook his head speechlessly.

Land Officer's wife spat, "Pah, what can't they do? They just see that our Xiaxia is capable and can make money, they want to take her for themselves, shameless thing. How dare they, in the past when Brother An's father was alive, he even helped their family. Now they want to steal Brother An's marriage. They are ungrateful."