Chapter 404: There are fewer people to use

Yang Chuxia first went to Ye Zi'an's house. Zi'an, since he stopped frequenting Shopkeeper Li's bar, would spend his free time studying at home or checking the account books sent from Artistry Pavilion.

Seeing Yang Chuxia enter, he said, "Xiaxia, your timing is perfect, there's something I wanted to discuss with you."

"What is it?"

Ye Zi'an pointed to the ledger in his hand, "This is all the orders we've taken since the shop opened. All prepaid, with delivery dates on the back. But we've run into a problem. We have too many orders. The latest are already scheduled for delivery in August. And that's not all. There are many large items, like tables, including the one Shopkeeper Li ordered, and additional ones placed by some wealthy families in town."

Listening to his explanation, Yang Chuxia understood, "So we're understaffed. A few people alone can't possibly finish all this, and we're likely to miss the delivery dates. That would be bad for the reputation of our shop."