Chapter 406: The Outcome of the Sacrifice

"Shall we go inside Uncle Hong's shop?"

"Let's go!" said Constable Hong, taking the lead.

Uncle Niu and the apprentice were taking care of the front of the shop, and customers were coming and going, so it was not a good place to talk.

Yang Chuxia led Constable Hong to the back of the shop.

Once Constable Hong sat down, he said, "I came here to tell you that the sacrificer is dead."

"When did he die?" Yang Chuxia wasn't surprised about the sacrificer's death, knowing that the people behind him would never leave such a nuisance, even if the nuisance might not know their own identity.

"He died on the first day of the New Year." Constable Hong continued, "He must have done so many bad things that he died on the first day of the year."