Chapter 423: The Stool Really Likes Your Head

"I wonder how much money Fourth Aunt made from selling those herbs. Is it enough to last a lifetime?" Yang Chuxia sneered with a smile.

From the moment Yang Chuxia entered, Ms. Luo knew that something was wrong. Seeing Yang Chuxia blatantly asking, Ms. Luo became even more certain.

But now, she was reminded of the times when she had been beaten by Yang Chuxia. Ms. Luo was very afraid of pain and didn't want to be beaten. She hurriedly laughed and said, "Xiaxia, actually Fourth Aunt doesn't even know what kind of herbs they were. It's all because of your Fourth Uncle. It was him who found the herbs and insisted on selling them. Fourth Aunt really has nothing to do with it."

"You damn woman, are you asking for a beating?" Ms. Luo shifted the blame onto Yang Xiaochuan, which made him unable to endure it any longer. He rushed out from the room and kicked Ms. Luo, leaving a footprint on her new dress.