Chapter 442

Ye Zi'an grabbed the fingers causing havoc on his face, subsequently reached for the arms that attached to the hands, then with a strong tug, the person who was messing with his lips was pulled back onto him. Before Yang Chuxia could react, he pulled her head down, aiming for her red lips and planted a kiss.

Though it was as brief as a dragonfly touching the water, he managed to save some face for himself, not always being the one taken advantage of by Xiaxia.

"Brother An, you're so bad!" Cough, cough, Yang Chuxia started to act coy, "Brother An, you're so bad, you're bullying me!"

Upon hearing this, a hint of amusement flashed across Ye Zi'an's face, "Why don't Xiaxia bully me back in return?"

"Tch, you're asking for a mile after getting an inch!" Like the weather in June, Yang Chuxia's face changed quickly. With a face saying 'I'm a good girl,' she completely forgot who was the one causing a scene on Ye Zi'an's face and lips.