Chapter 460: Looking for a Long-term Worker

"No wonder I thought some of the seeds I planted last time already sprouted green shoots. It turns out they were pre-sprouted. When did you do this, and how did I not know?"

"What about now?" Yang Chuxia asked again.

Ye Zi'an smiled calmly, "The fact proves that the records in the other book were wrong, and I was also wrong. This one cannot be pruned and should only be pre-sprouted for planting. So we can transplant these seedlings from the wooden box to the ground tomorrow."

"Alright!" Yang Chuxia said, "But these seedlings don't seem like a lot, how much land can they cover?"

"About one or two acres." Ye Zi'an estimated after looking at the seedlings, "The soil here has a good base fertilizer, and since the seeds have sprouted, there will be more seedlings. Almost every two seeds will produce two seedlings. Based on this calculation, I think we should be able to plant about two acres."