Chapter 491: The End of San Er

"I've told you before, don't come looking for Brother An when you have nothing to do, or else the chair will hit your head. It seems you didn't believe me, did you?" Yang Chuxia said, grabbing Yang Lichun's hair and slamming her head against the wall nearby, startling everyone around.

Yang Lichun screamed and struggled non-stop.

However, when her head hit the wall for the second time, she couldn't scream anymore.

Her forehead was somewhat broken, and blood began to slide down Yang Lichun's forehead.

Yang Chuxia didn't let her go. Pinching her face, she took out a dagger from her sleeve and gently sliced it back and forth near Yang Lichun's ear. "Last time, Yang Dongzhi cut your face, but you didn't learn your lesson. You think you're so beautiful that you can be arrogant everywhere. You don't listen to me and keep bumping into my hands. You think you're very beautiful? I want to see how beautiful you can be when I ruin the other side of your face!"