Chapter 496: Don't Want Xiaxia to Be Wronged

Upon hearing that Ye Zi'an was reluctant to part with her, Yang Chuxia's eyes immediately brimmed with laughter.

"Xiaxia's smile is so beautiful!" Ye Zi'an couldn't help but exclaim when he saw her laughter.

At this, Yang Chuxia laughed even more cheerfully.

Somehow, her mind couldn't help but recall that incident with Yang Lichun. Tentatively, she asked, "Brother An, don't you think I'm too fiery? I often hear people whispering in the village that I was too hard on Yang Lichun. But as soon as I approach, they shut up."

As she spoke, Yang Chuxia pouted, and her beautiful eyes unconsciously filled with fierceness.

"Hmm, Xiaxia is indeed quite fiery!" Ye Zi'an wanted to laugh at her expression, but his face remained mostly serious.

When Yang Chuxia heard this, her face drooped a little.
