Chapter 506: I'll Make You Pay Sooner or Later

"Hmph, fine, don't help! What's the big deal!" Yang Qingwen stopped pretending and got up from the ground. He limped towards the door, and when he reached it, turned back to look at Yang Chuxia, "Hmph, don't think I don't know you're behind my leg injury. Ever since you went to see me and my dad, everyone inside went crazy the next day. You think I can't guess that? Hmph, just wait, I'll make you pay sooner or later!"

After spitting out those vicious words, Yang Qingwen rushed out into the pouring rain outside, seemingly unaffected. Seeing this, Ms. Ye hurriedly followed him.

Yang Chuxia watched them leave, rubbing her chin and thinking that this boy was indeed cunning. She was lucky she hadn't shown him any mercy by finding a doctor to heal his wound; otherwise, she'd be regretting it now.

She had no doubt that Yang Qingwen meant what he said, and if given the chance, he would definitely take revenge on her.

But if that's the case, he couldn't blame her for cutting off his path.