Chapter 512: I Want to Marry a Different Girl

"You say you've come here to propose, not to break a marriage. Why would you belittle the girl's family with a few words?,"

Yang Chuxia couldn't help but feel sorry for Ruoqiu. This family didn't seem like they would be easy to get along with.

They not only boasted, but also acted dishonestly.

For a marriage proposal, isn't it the groom's family who decides what to give as a bridal gift? It's not a dowry. The gift could be big or small, it all depends on your sincerity. But the Qian family was implying that it was Yang Da'an and his wife who wanted so many things. This drove Ms.Liu crazy.

Of course, what made her angrier was still to come!

Ms. Liu, swallowing her anger, served lunch to this group of people. Before she could even sit down and rest, that Qian kid, who said he'd been out sobering up, came back.

But it wouldn't matter if he came back alone, he came back holding a girl's hand, and this girl was someone unexpected!

Guess who it was? It was Yang Dongzhi!