Chapter 537: Tell Yang Chuxia

Constable Hong frowned upon hearing this and said, "Even so, you can't just say that she did it. She was just kind enough to visit you."

"Constable Hong!" Yang Lichun called out, and Yang Chuxia could clearly see the hatred in his eyes from where she stood. "Given the bad relationship between my family and Yang Chuxia's, do you think she would kindly visit my father and brother?"

Constable Hong choked on his words, snorted coldly, and said, "Even so, you still need to provide evidence. Without evidence, do you expect me to judge the case based solely on your words?"

"Constable Hong, I'm afraid it's not that you can't judge the case, but rather that you're deliberately covering up for her, right?" While Ms. Ye was accusing Yang Chuxia, a carriage appeared in the distance.

At the sound of Constable Hong's words, the person inside the carriage got off.