Chapter 555: Bribery

"Girl, isn't this publicly giving bribes?" The Madam of County Magistrate joked when she heard that Yang Chuxia still wanted to give her something.


The maids on the side who came with Yang Chuxia all laughed.

"Well, aren't I just bribing the Madam?" Yang Chuxia joined in the laughter and said, "I'm just unsure if Madam is willing to be bribed."

Upon hearing this, the Madam of County Magistrate laughed even harder, "You cheeky girl, it's just a matter of two letters. What's the big deal?" Saying this, she pulled Yang Chuxia along. "Come on, let's go see Old Lady. She'll be delighted to see you."

So Yang Chuxia and the Madam of County Magistrate went to see the Old Lady together.

Old Lady was sitting in a wheelchair, with a young maid pushing her around the courtyard tending to the flowers. Seeing Yang Chuxia coming, she was naturally overjoyed.

She said with feigned annoyance, "Ah, you girl, you actually came today without being invited?"