Chapter 575: Giving You 5 Days' Time

Upon discussion of Yang Aoshuang, he gloated, "I've bought all the liquor here too. Not only that, I've bought all the liquor around here as well. I wonder how you'll make your drunken crabs now."

"Calling you stupid wasn't an insult at all!" Yang Chuxia shook her head upon hearing this, "You don't even know what I need or don't need to make drunken crabs, yet you try to monopolize my supplies?"

"Hehe, don't try to be clever with me. I don't believe that you don't need Sichuan peppercorn, I'll wait in the mansion for you to beg me."

Yang Chuxia shrugged indifferently, "Then you can wait. Oh, by the way, for your information, I not only need Sichuan peppercorn but also these white wines- top scholar wine, Girl Wine, common jasmin orange, all of that. I also need simple red chillies too. Why don't you go buy all of them? Remember to buy everything, it would be best if you buy enough to last us till next year! Understand?"