Chapter 608: The Frog Business

After some thought, he said, "Stinky girl, your frog is not bad, and the little dog from last time is pretty good too. Sell me some!"

Yang Chuxia glanced at him and said, "You're interested in such a small business?" She thought to herself that although the frog looked delicate and quite fresh, it was just made of wood, not even high-quality wood, so it wouldn't sell for much.

Mu Shaoling said, "No matter how small a fly is, it's still meat. Besides, the price of something depends on where it's sold."

He thought to himself that these items might sell for only a hundred wen in Wangquan Town, but in the prefecture city, they could sell for several hundred wen, and in the Capital City, they would be worth at least one or two silver taels.

If the quantity of goods was increased, wouldn't that make a substantial profit?

"It's doable," Yang Chuxia glanced at him and continued, "but aren't you going back to the Capital the day after tomorrow? There's not enough time."