Chapter 611: Subduing the Sea Turtle 1

Originally, the sea turtle didn't want to pay any attention to her, but since she kept calling it a divine turtle, it was a bit appealing, so it slowly opened its eyes again.

And then it slowly rose to the surface again.

Seeing a hint of red rising from below, Yang Chuxia on the shore pulled on Ye Zi'an's arm, "Brother An, look, it's coming out, it's coming out."

As everyone's head surfaced, Yang Chuxia waved her hand and said, "Hi, long time no see!"

Ye Zi'an rubbed his forehead, thinking, do you really expect it to reply to you, do you miss it that much?

I'm afraid this old demon will despise you to death. Indeed, Ye Zi'an saw a hint of disdain in the sea turtle's eyes.

Then the sea turtle was about to sink back to the bottom of the river.

Yang Chuxia panicked, "Hey, don't go, don't go. I've even brought food for you!"

Hearing this, the sea turtle stopped moving. Yang Chuxia thought that this must be a thousand-year-old demon.