Chapter 636

"Xiaxia, I passed the exam, the news from the county government will be coming in a day or two."

"That's great! Congratulations, Brother An." Although she already knew that Brother An would definitely pass, hearing him say it himself seemed to make her even happier for him!

"Hm," Ye Zi'an didn't have much feeling about this; after all, he had known it was only a matter of time ever since his leg healed. But seeing Xiaxia so happy made him happy too.

"Look at you, such a bland reaction." Yang Chuxia looked at him, seemingly not too excited even though he had passed the exam, and unconsciously pulled at his cheeks with both hands, as if trying to make him smile.

"Xiaxia," Ye Zi'an helplessly pulled her hands away and stroked them, "why have you lost weight?"

"Who says? I've just grown taller!"

"You're thinner." Ye Zi'an touched her cheeks, not feeling any flesh.

"So, do I look better fat or skinny?"

"Both look good!"