Chapter 650: Good Deeds Will Be Rewarded

"Is this really from your Brother Zi'an?" Yang Chuxia asked Yang Xiayun.

"Yes, he asked me to bring it." She answered.

After hearing this, Yang Chuxia looked at the box and then at Shen Qiu. Seeing Shen Qiu's expressionless face, along with her maid's awkwardness, Chuxia immediately knew why Ye Zi'an had Yunyun bring the stuff at this time.

Tsk, tsk, Brother An is still so scheming. This is a blatant slap in the face.

As expected, before she could say anything, Shen Qiu stood up and said, "Xiaxia, the nanny at home is still waiting for me to learn etiquette, so I'll go first. I'll come visit you when I have time."

"Okay, take care!" Yang Chuxia told Xiu'er, "Go, send Miss Shen off."


After Shen Qiu and her maids left the room, Yang Chuxia burst into laughter.

"That was so hilarious, such masterful scheming."

As for Shen Qiu, once she was on the carriage, she slapped her maidservant.