Chapter 678

"Hehe" Yang Chuxia thought smugly, beaming with delight, "Teasing is flirtatious; not being able to control yourself is being a rascal."

"Hmph, just enjoy your moment. I'll show you what a real rascal is in a few days," Ye Zi'an said resentfully.

Instantly, some Xiaxia's heart was filled with sorrow. Give her back her innocent Brother An and take this rascal away.

Ye Zi'an saw that she seemed to be silenced by his words, and secretly chuckled in his heart. This dead girl was always teasing him.

"Stinky rascal," noticing that his mouth was still curved in a smile, Yang Chuxia glared at him.

"If I'm not a rascal to my wife, then there's a problem," Ye Zi'an said with a light laugh.

"Bah, get up!"

"Tsk tsk, my wife is blushing; it's not easy!" Ye Zi'an stroked her cheek, exclaiming. In his heart he thought, blushing had always been something that this dead girl accused him of.

"My wife's shy looks are really beautiful!"