Chapter 676: Interested in the Mu Family

As for Li Shan, Yang Chuxia's intention was never against him, considering that the accusers weren't actually pointing at him either, so the fine of several hundred silvers ultimately closed the matter.

After leaving the county government office, Li Shan was so excessively deferential to Yang Chuxia that it made her feel uneasy. She was still alive, wasn't she? What was his excessive courtesy supposed to mean?

"Miss Yang, I am really grateful for your mercy today! I must repeat, I truly had no part in this incident. When I received the news, you had already rushed to the county city."

"It's best for you if it wasn't you," Yang Chuxia pondered and then continued, "But you'd better not run that kind of booth. If one of your men makes a mistake, and something like this happens again, you'll not be so lucky."

"Yes, yes, yes! You're right, Miss Yang," Li Shan nodded in agreement, but he had no plans to close down the establishment.